Archives For Alex Tingley

Axton Lee

Alex Tingley —  February 20, 2016 — Leave a comment

As some of you know at the end of last year I became an auntie!! So of course when I found out he was coming I started sewing!


Axton Lee Tingley!! When I got to hold this little man for the first time I fell so much in love with him!

Here are some of the things I made!

I made his car seat cover. I don’t have a good picture of it but this is the fabric I made it from.


I found this really cute swaddle on Pinterest! Its super cute and really easy!!




I’ve bee really loving hand Embroidery lately and so I have to do something embroidered!! Love the way this little bib turned out!



I Love this little outfit!! So cute! I can’t wait to see this on him!



And of course being the proud auntie that I am I have to add some pictures of his cute face!!


I’m so sad that he lives so far away from me and I can’t have my auntie snuggles everyday!! I Love and miss this little guy!


As a child one of my favorite thing do to was play house. My best friend and I would play for hours and hours! We were either fair ladies kidnapped by pirates on a ship in the middle of this sea. (We were really just in the pool in my backyard) Or we were a jewelry maker who was kidnapped and left for dead when a handsome stranger found us and saved the day. We had quite the imagination! And we were always getting kidnapped so a handsome hero could come save us! We were never the kids just satisfied we just playing store. It had to be a big store or it wasn’t fun!

As a now 20 year old I look back on those and wish life was so easy! I’ve always been in love with being in love! Most people in or day and age dream as a child of careers and what collage they want to attend. I was never that person. I dream of growing up getting married and having 4 kids living in the country somewhere on a ranch. I guess I was born in the wrong century.

I guess I just read to many book! Anyone who knows my well know I am a book lover. I didn’t get into reading until I was 16 or 17. I guess sense I couldn’t play house anymore I found another way of escape. I love to escape into the world I wished I lived in! I would love to wake up everyday on a cattle ranch. No phone. No internet. Just wide open country. Like I said earlier I have always have quite the imagination.

I think anymore we try to plan out our lives more then we should. Some of us have a list of the stuff we think we have to do before we true a certain age. Sometimes we need to stop and just remember we are not promised tomorrow! If today was your last would you be happy with the life that you lived? The memory you’re leaving behind? I believe we need to have goals and dreams. But I also believe we need to life everyday as it was our last. When was the last time you told your family you loved them? The last time you just call or sat down and talked to your grandparents. We do not stay on this earth forever. Make sure when it’s your time you’re leaving a good memory.


“Be bold, Be charming, Be sharp, Be generous, Be silly, Be amazing, and always Be yourself”

DIY Fancy Baby Dress!

Alex Tingley —  December 6, 2014 — Leave a comment

I was looking at baby Dresses trying to find some fancy ones when I came across this one. I fell in love with it!


So I decided to try and do one myself.

I found the bodice pattern here. I used the 3-6 month pattern. The rest I just kind made up as I went.





So I did 2 layers for the skirt and put the ruffles on the under skirt.



I put a binding around the top layer I didn’t have to hem it. I also bubbled the last ruffle on the under skirt to go all the way around the bottom. There are also little leggings with a ruffle (The blue ruffle on the very bottom).



I had So much fun making this little dress! I hope you enjoyed this post!




Christmas Magic

Alex Tingley —  December 2, 2014 — Leave a comment

The most wonderful time of the year!

The lights, the music, the hot coco by the fire and the snow falling down. It truly is the best time of year!

I’m so excited for Christmas this year I can hardly stand it! We Started decorating this last weekend and I just love it!





And yes my bathroom is decorated!



And of course my sewing room has decorations!


I have a little tree but i’m still making the ornaments for it so I don’t have a picture of it yet! But here is what’s going on it.




I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas!


“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”  -Calvin Coolidge

Baby/Toddler Dresses

Alex Tingley —  November 29, 2014 — Leave a comment

My best friend is about to be a mom. She if due December 4th! I can’t wait!

So recently i’ve making baby dresses. It one of my favorite things to do right now! I recently was ask to be part of a bazaar and took some of these dresses with me. I have some left over. They are $25 each shipped. I also do custom orders! I have so much fun with these little dresses! IMG_1789 IMG_1790 IMG_1791 IMG_1792 IMG_1793

Who inspires you?

Alex Tingley —  October 24, 2014 — Leave a comment

We all have people that inspire us, in all aspects of our lives. If it’s your family life, your work life, the creative side of your life, or your spiritual life, there is probably someone you look up to.

Someone who makes us want to be better.

Someone we wish we could be half as good as in whatever it is they inspire us to do or be.

When it comes one of the things I love to do best, it’s my Nana that inspires me. She’s the one that taught me how to sew.

She hasn’t always lived close to me but when she did, for about 2 and a half years, she cultivated in me a love for sewing. She was my homeschool teacher, so I was at her house 3 times a week. Some days we would just set school aside and sew or bake all day.

I’ll never forget the day we made a quilt to send to an orphanage. There is such a special feeling you get when you know you’re doing something to make a difference in someone’s life.

I’m so thankful for the time we had together on those days. She still inspires me, even though she’s in Oklahoma and I’m in Washington. I love her so much and wish we could be closer so we could have sewing days and she can teach me new things and help me to better myself.

Even though I was there for school, I loved the time spent at their house. My Papa was always teasing me about the boy I liked, calling him my boyfriend, even though he wasn’t, and my Nana teaching me. Whether it was school, sewing, baking, or knitting, we were always busy on some project.

To those of you who have your grandparents close to you, cherish the moments you have with them.

I hope that one day I will be half the seamstress and lady she is!






(Picture taken in 2009)

Goodwill finds!

Alex Tingley —  January 1, 2014 — Leave a comment

Hey y’all!

I LOVE Goodwill, Value Village, any thrift store, really! I find a lot of my skirts there. We just moved to Moses Lake, WA and there is a Goodwill about 1 minute from my house…I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet… Haha

I went to Goodwill and I found these amazing skirts! (Same skirt just different colors.) They are Old Navy, look brand new, and I got them for $3.99!! I was SO excited! I love maxi skirts, and since it’s 30 degrees or below here, it’s really nice to have some long skirts!











Those of you who know me, you know my favorite place in any thrift store is the book nooks!! I love books just a little too much, probably… It’s an addiction! At least it’s only books I’m addicted to… Haha! So, of course, I also found 2 new books to add to my overflowing bookshelf!

Some of my favorite author’s are

Mary Connealy

Deeanne Gist

Cathy Marie Hake

Dee Henderson

Shirlee McCoy

Lori Wick

Linda Windsor


Right now, my all time favorite author is Marcia Lynn McClure. I adore her books and my goal is to collect all of them! I have 5 on my shelf right now and most of them on my Kindle, but the Kindle is just not the same as holding the real deal!


These are my top favorites! (And it’s not even a drop in the bucket compared to how many books I own!)

I love discovering new authors, so if you know of any good ones, let me know!! :)

Happy Holidays!!

Alex Tingley —  December 31, 2013 — Leave a comment

Hey y’all!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas! I know I did! I love spending time with my family. It’s my favorite time of the year!

So, for Christmas this year I was looking for a gift for my sister, Brittani. She’s been looking for something to put in her bathroom above her towel rack.



I was on Amazon looking at paintings when I found this…

Screen Shot 2013-12-31 at 11.30.27 AM

(sorry it’s kind of blurry)

Screen Shot 2013-12-31 at 11.30.42 AM


I was like, “WOW! Thats perfect!!” And then I looked at the price… $1,375.00

Then I was like, “Yeah never mind.”  But then I thought, “I could make that!” And even better, I have a best friend who is an incredible artist, Bryona Jacobsen! So I text her the pictures. On Christmas Eve I picked up the finished product. She only charged me $40 the materials and her time.



I think it’s even better then the one online!!

So Christmas night I gave it to my sister and she LOVED it! 😀 I was super excited!

Here are some pictures of it hanging in her bathroom!





You can see Brittani’s post about it Here! :)


I hope y’all have a Happy New Year!!


This should be fun!

Alex Tingley —  December 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

Hey y’all!

So, I am going to start a series! Some of you may have seen my post about “Oh the things you can make“. So, starting January, once a week I’m going to find something, women’s or children’s, then I will find a way to make/buy the same outfit for way less. I think this will be a fun experiment. Keep an eye out for my DIY-for-less posts! :)

Quilt Fun!!!

Alex Tingley —  December 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

Hey Y’all!!

My awesome big sister, Brittani Scott, just turned 25!

You should check out her blog, House to Home, or if you’re a music person, check out her music blog, Piano and Pen.

For her birthday I decided to make her a quilt to match her living room. She’s kind of using the jewel tones and black and white.

Here is my inspiration! I found this picture on Pinterest.



I got my fabric at Hobby Lobby! MY Favorite!!

I ended up with WAY to much! I got a yard and a half of each, then another 2 yards of the backing.

I used the black and white as the the backing.



It was 45×60. I just got a pre cut package of batting from Hobby Lobby.


I just used a black binding that I also got from Hobby Lobby.

This is the finished product!! I’m very proud of myself. This is the first quilt I’ve done like this!










Never be scared to try something new. You could find out it’s your new favorite thing! :)

Hope y’all have a wonderful day! Don’t forget to check out Brit’s blogs!!

House to Home & Piano and Pen